Modern Motor 1955-12 detailed

MOMO5512 cover smallModern Motor 1955 - 12 - cover

MOMO5512 contents smallModern Motor 1955-12 - contents

MOMO5512 Higher performance - lower price ... the new Sunbeam MKIII advertisement smallModern Motor 1955-12
Higher performance - lower price ... the new Sunbeam MKIII - advertisement

MOMO5512 'Rapier' - a new Sunbeam smallModern Motor 1955-12
'Rapier' - a new Sunbeam - description
(...the position of the steering wheel isn't
correct for either Australia or Britain?)

MOMO5512 British Cars for 1956 smallModern Motor 1955-12
British Cars for 1956 - article
6 pages; 5.1mb; PDF

MOMO5512 Know Your Singer (Nine & Ten) article smallModern Motor 1955-12
Know Your Singer (Nine & Ten) - article
3 pages; 2.6mb; PDF

MOMO5512 new car prices smallModern Motor 1955-12
New car prices (Australia)

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